Do you have Dull and Lifeless Hair?
You may want to test your water. Thats right. Mineral deposits in hard water build up on hair. In order to see if your water is the culprit of the dull problem,
Fill 2 glasses of water, one with bottled distilled water and the other from your tap. Add one tablespoon of dish soap to each and stir until there are suds. If there are far less suds in the tap water then your water is hard and is probably the culprit of your dull hair.
One solution is to use distilled water as the final rinse when you shampoo. The other is to use a clarifying shampoo once every 3 to 4 weeks. Clarifying shampoos vary from brand to brand. Personally I feel many of them are far over rated and over priced for what they do.
Go with Neutrogena Anti-Residue Shampoo. You can find it anywhere and it works very well. One word of caution: Always use a very good moisturizing conditioner after clarifying shampoos as they tend to strip your hair of vital oils and moisture.
Here's raising a glass of water to shiny and healthy hair!