Tuesday, November 17, 2009


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Ever wondered what you can do to help the environment and your budget at your home desk? Well, besides recycled copy paper you can minimize your carbon footprint with how you use the ink you put on that paper. A Netherlands based company called SPRANQ has designed ECOFONT.
ECOFONT is a font you can download and use on your printer and save 20% of your ink. It's a cute font that has lots of little holes in the letters and therefore much less solid color. When you make it a bigger point, it looks a little like old marquee letters with light bulbs in each letter.
Here's you chance to have your name in lights!!!!!
Download it for F*R*E*E @

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Coffee Clatch

Coffee Clatch
Chris Cade created a video for his site Spiritual Short Stories that I thought you may enjoy. :)


Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Makeup Expiration

makeup cartoonMakeup Expires? You betcha!

Last month one of my clients came over so that we could go over her makeup. By "go over" I mean as a team we would go through all of her makeup to decide two things;

  1. Which makeup had expired for freshness and effectiveness
  2. Which makeup had expired for fashion effectiveness!
For our purposes today I will focus mainly on the former because my experience tells me that that most of you probably have a tube of mascara, a few eye shadows, a couple bottles of foundations and a lipstick or two that you have had since Hillary was standing by her man.
Ok here are the facts:
  • Cosmetic Companies are not required by law to put expiration dates on their products and they don't.
  • The main reason that makeup needs to be thrown out, other than that eye shadow was "So last year!" is because of the accumulation of harmful bacteria.
  • FDA studies say that even brand new makeup starts off with some bacteria present
So....back to my client and her makeup. I chose to talk about her because I think many of you could relate to her. To protect her identity and not bruise her ego, let's just call her "Mary Makeup".
Well, Mary has been a client of mine for about 5 years. In that time I had never really thought of Mary as a Makeup kind of woman. Most of the time when I would see Mary she would either have no makeup on or maybe just a swipe of mascara and lip balm (not gloss, balm...) OK....I change my mind, let's call her "Saint Mary of Little Makeup". For that reason I was surprised to say the least, when Saint Mary asked about me helping her with her makeup. Of course I could help her so we made a time when we would get together to go over her makeup. I told her to bring all her makeup and we would save, purge and decide what needed to be replaced.
Well, I booked an hour for Saint Mary of Little Makeup and you could have blown me over with a powder puff when she showed up...with a rolling suitcase! Yep, this au natural girl was probably like most of you. Admit it...Under that sink, in that closet or somewhere in your house you have a stash of makeup.
It ended up taking us most of the afternoon, but Mary and I went through everything and here are a few tips that helped us and hopefully will help you.

  • Liquid Foundation, 3-6 months (Cream foundation can last 4-6 months) Pink Makeup
    Foundation in a bottle should last 3-6 months, but wide mouthed jars can expose the product to more air and should be tossed sooner. You'll know it's time to purchase a new bottle, when the ingredients begin to settle or separate, the texture thickens or thins, or the smell changes.
  • Concealers, 6-8 months
  • Powders, 1 year (Pressed powder, eye-shadows, blush)
  • Mascara, 3 months You should never keep mascara for any longer than 3 months (air pushes bacteria back into the tube). Never "pump" your mascara.
  • Lip gloss & Lipstick, 1 year
  • Eye/Lip Pencils, 1 year
  • Eye and lip pencils should last 1 year or more, but you should sharpen pencils at least once a week to prevent bacteria from being transferred to your eye area. You'll know the product has gone bad if it dries or crumbles.
All of these makeup tips have to do with bacterial contamination so always keep in mind:
Before applying makeup, wash your face and hands with soap.
Instead of directly touching your makeup by placing your fingers in the product, pour a little into your palm or scoop a little out with a disposable spoon or applicator.
  • Don't share your makeup with others.
  • Keep makeup containers tightly closed when not in use
  • Throw makeup away if the color changes or an odor develops (makeup has preservatives, similar to that in food, which can break down over time).
  • Don't use water or, even worse, saliva, which could introduce bacteria that could easily grow out of control. If makeup has lost its original texture or consistency, the preservatives have probably broken down.
Hopefully, these tips will help you and your suitcase.. or if you need more help just ask me!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Beautiful Spirit: Ask/Do

makeup cartoon
Try this: When you are in bed in the morning, put your hand on your belly and breath in deeply, then ask yourself (Out Loud) "The most important thing my spirit needs to attend to today is (Fill in Blank)"
The first answer that comes to mind IS
the answer. Don't question it. Then, NO MATTER WHAT happens that day DO THAT THING.
Repeat this every day for 30 days and see how much your life shifts

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Beautiful Music

makeup cartoon
My Hallelujah Song
~Julianne Hough

This song is such a great way to get you in the space of, for lack of a better term "acting as if"
The words and the beat of this song are upbeat, fun and inspirational. When you listen to this song you can actually picture yourself having the life of your dreams.

You Tube - Julianne Hough

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Beautiful Hair

Do you have Dull and Lifeless Hair?
You may want to test your water. Thats right. Mineral deposits in hard water build up on hair. In order to see if your water is the culprit of the dull problem,

Fill 2 glasses of water, one with bottled distilled water and the other from your tap. Add one tablespoon of dish soap to each and stir until there are suds. If there are far less suds in the tap water then your water is hard and is probably the culprit of your dull hair.
One solution is to use distilled water as the final rinse when you shampoo. The other is to use a clarifying shampoo once every 3 to 4 weeks. Clarifying shampoos vary from brand to brand. Personally I feel many of them are far over rated and over priced for what they do.

Go with Neutrogena Anti-Residue Shampoo. You can find it anywhere and it works very well. One word of caution: Always use a very good moisturizing conditioner after clarifying shampoos as they tend to strip your hair of vital oils and moisture.

Here's raising a glass of water to shiny and healthy hair!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Beautiful Links

I just love Steve Pavlina. My good friend Linda introduced me to his site a couple years back and I have been a huge fan ever since. Now he is a published
author with his book,
Personal Development for Smart People

Personal Development for Smart People

Look around his site. He has written a TON of awesome, informative and practical articles on a variety of subjects.

I credit the following exercise for changing the whole direction of my life.
It is deceptively simple.....
Click the link below to try it for yourself. Who knows, maybe your direction will change too.


Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Beautiful Family

Beautiful Family JandSOne of my dearest friends Jen Clements recently began writing a column for www.examiner.com
Jen is a loving wife and amazing mother to Sophia (pictured Right!).

All her writing for these columns are in some way centered around being a Mom. Since I know that many of you are also Mom's I wanted to make sure that you knew about Jen's work.
Jen gives practical, fun and informative advice on anything from Arbor Day to quitting smoking and lots in between.
Think of Jens articles as Martha Stewart's "Good Things" but for Moms!

Even if you aren't a Mother (like Moi!), I'm sure you will get something out of Jen's insights :)


Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Beautiful Skin

An Easy and fun way to exfoliate your face is to take about a packet amount of Sugar (You can use Raw Sugar for less sensitive skin and regular or fine granulated for Sensitive skin) and mix that with a few drops of Olive Oil. Mix until you have a spreadable paste. If you have an essetial oil like Lavendar ,which is calming or Jasmine which is stimulating you can add a drop or two also far added benefits ;)

Wet your face with warm water and then gently take the sugar mixture and apply it in circular motions all over your face and neck. Then rinse well with warm water. Tone and Apply your favorite moisturizer. You face will feel smooth as a babies ...

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Skin Brushing?

Skin Brushing?
Recently my friend Julie told me about the benefits of Dry Skin Brushing... I had never heard of it, but after doing it just once I'm hooked! Below is an overview.
Dry Skin Brushing is perfect for circulation, cleaning the Lymphatic System, firming and smoothing the skin by removing dead skin layers.
Dry Skin Brushing improves digestion, prevents colds and more importantly for the ladies helps eliminate cellulite!
Dry Skin Brushing is helpful in Winter to exfoliate dry skin but should be applyed to your daily health and detox routine.

If you would like a more detailed explanation and techniques
then click HERE

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Beautiful Links!

The Daily Om is an awesome site to reconnect to your Spirit on a daily basis. Check it out! http://www.dailyom.com

Friday, September 4, 2009

Beautiful Eyes: Lash Tints and Lash Perming

In my opinion, Lash tint and perms are over rated and also are VERY temporary for the cost that you will pay. Because it is near your eyes the types of products that can be used on your eyelashes are very mild compared with what you can put on your head, that being the case, most of the time people feel that it doesn't last very long.
A good eyelash curler and the right mascara can do the same thing. ( I almost exclusively use Dark Brown or Brown/Black. It looks more natural. I love Volume Exact Waterproof by Cover Girl)
On the other hand eyelash extensions can work very well, but do the research in your area for the best. It is costly, time consuming and if not done very well they will start washing off within a few days or two.
Hope that helps!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Beautiful Books: The Gift of Change by Marianne Williamson

Marianne Williamson - The Gift of ChangeAs an avid reader of Spiritual material, I have decided to start sharing some books that have changed my life in many ways and hopefully you will find some value in them also.
The first book I would like to share is "The Gift of Change" by Marianne Williamson.
Marianne has long been a favorite of mine since I was taken to hear her speak at a friend's home back in Los Angeles. She eventually began speaking at churches, lecture halls and wrote a very popular book called "A Return to Love".
I eventually worked with her at her organization The Los Angeles Center for Living which helped people living with AIDS back at least 20 years ago. Marianne lectures and writes on A Course in Miracles, of which I have been studying and am a student of for about 20 years.
Besides being extremely well versed on the topic of spiritual growth, especially as it pertains to A Course in Miracles, Marianne has a no nonsense practical way of making what can be very heady material feel familiar and attainable.
Check it out and if you feel so moved please email me with your thoughts. I would love to know what you think.. The Gift of Change

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Beautiful Skin

Carrots contain a very high amount of Vitamin A and help your skin fight signs of premature aging. The A that is in carrots is very similar to what is in topical Retin A, which you can find in many perscription or over the counter creams, but the A in carrots is far more effective because the vitamin is organically based and comes from the inside out. Junk In, Junk out. Good in, Good out, I guess Bugs bunny had it right!
makeup cartoon

Friday, August 21, 2009

Angelic Beauty

Archangel Uriel is one of the four major Archangels along with Michael, Raphael and Gabriel.

Archangel Uriel's name means "The Light of God" and he is the Archangel of the earth. Amongst many other issues, when Uriel is called upon he can help you make clear informed decisions with a spiritual understanding.
Call him if you are confused about anything . Then listen.........
Along with all the Archangels, he is always there for you.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Beautiful Spirit

-When you are Nervous Focus on Service -

This beautiful sentiment comes from author Doreen Virtue.
I just love that she puts it so plainly
because real truth is actually so simple.
idea here is that when you are nervous or scared, it's because on some level you are putting too much focus on yourself. You know what I mean, "Keep it all together" "Make sure everything is going ok" etc... If instead of focusing on yourself at those times, you let all that go and do something for someone else, you will find a release of pressure and a sense of peace. What's great about this is that when you start looking beyond your own fears, helping people becomes addictive because it makes you feel so good! You begin to look for ways to help other people on a daily basis. Then before you know it, you begin walking through life with a kind of grace, as if you don't have to "keep it all together" and "make sure everything is ok" Go forth and serve............

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Chance Encounters

Chance Encounters
new header As I said before, having the freedom of the Velib allowed me to be out in the fresh Parisian air. Since I was out in the air and biking from place to place I ended up being in much more contact with everyday Parisians while they went through their daily routines. They were jogging on the streets, having a cigarette outside their offices or cafes (still amazing that Paris is non-smoking!), having a lunch break from work, shopping or just commuting from place to place.
I'm not sure why, maybe it was the perfect Spring temperatures that brought it out, but almost everywhere I went I could smell the most amazing women's colognes and perfumes. As I would be walking or "Velibing", wafts of amazing scents of all sorts would find their way to me... and it was sublime. There is nothing in the world like the ultimately feminine smell of women. The right scent can turn an average woman into an alluring temptress.
There was a predominant smell with most of these women's perfumes. They were blatantly and unabashedly floral. Now, usually I really do not like floral fragrances that are strong. They usually remind me of "that" relative who wore one of those overly rose, violets or some other flower scent that would turn my stomache. But these were somehow different. These were the kinds of scents that make men weak at the knees and brought to mind images of a female pied piper with hundreds of men following her down the streets of Paris...
Being the curious guy that I am I asked some of these women(3 to be exact!) what scent they were wearing and to my surprise the women were not offended by my question, but amazingly helpful. Two out of the three (the other one I couldn't make out in French!) said Chance by Chanel. Of course, Chanel........
I immediately went to Galleries Lafayette to see if that was indeed the frangrance and it was! In fact, I even thought about getting it to remind me of that time in Paris or even get it for a friend to wear, but honestly I wanted to keep those moments special. That scent help to create these near perfect momentary slices of Parisian life which can't be recreated.
Chance definitely isn't for everyone, (in fact, I couldn't imagine any of my friends wearing it) but next time you see it, you may want to take a chance on Chance by Chanel and imagine yourself the Pied Piper with hundreds of French cuites following you ;)

Monday, August 10, 2009

Beautiful Eyes

The skin around the orbit of your eye is the most delicate on your face. In general there is very little flesh between that fine skin and your bone. With that in mind, whenever you are applying any product around the eye area (such as concealers, night or intensive creams/serums) always use your ring finger (the one next to your pinkie) because that finger is the weakest one we have. That finger puts the least amount of pressure to your eyes. When using that finger you are much less likely to cause any damage to that precious area.
Here's looking at you kid....

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Don't Stop Velibing

Don't Stop Velibing!!!
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I just came back from an amazing trip to one of my favorite cities in the world, Paris. There are so many things that I love about Paris...don't get me started, we could be here all day!
Whenever I go to Paris I discover things that I did not notice before and this trip was no different. One of the main reasons I was able to make more discoveries this trip was that I was using the Velib public bike system
Biking around Paris allowed me to be out and about in the beautiful Spring air and let me explore. I ended up going places that I would never have gone if I were underground on the Metro.
Now, I could go on and on about how amazing the Velib system is and why if you are in Paris you MUST try it out, but in a nutshell there are Velib bikes stations located all over Paris. For a nominal (or 30 mins free!) fee you can take a bike from one area of Paris and drop it off at another and "Voila!" in between point A and Point B you experience the magic of Paris!
But be aware there are problems for those of us that do not have a "smartchip" on our credit cards because the system only accepts those that have them, which are standard issue throughout Europe. (Read more about them HERE.) Luckily, my friends Beth and Michiel, who I was housesitting for were gracious enough to let me use their Velib debit card.
If you go to Paris you must find a way to Velib! Now, I am able to say as my friend Emily who lives in Paris says "Don't stop Velibing!!"

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Beautiful Spirit

~ Angelic Beauty ~

The Angelic realm is one of the highest vibrations that we as humans can connect with, and every so often there is a communication beween the earthly and Angelic realms. The communication may be spontaneous or it may be deliberate. Either way it is a path to peace and divine guidance. If you resonate with angelic images, feelings or traditions and want to connect with the Angelic realms it is quite simple.
The first thing you have to do is to completely relax, and I mean completely relax without falling asleep. Then in that relaxed state let go of your ego, give it love and let it go. Once in that state ask for the angels to come and guide you and allow the messages or feelings to come.
The angle's messages may be as clear as either a vision, an auditory experience, a strong feeling or as it is with me, a combination of a physical and emotional sensation that is clear and deliberate.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Dedicate Yourself

As many of my clients know I am a big believer in the idea that there is freedom in discipline. When we make a choice to stay dedicated to something and stick with whatever that may be, such as exercise, meditation or new ways of thinking, that consistency can give us a freedom.
I say all this to tell you about a movement that is worth your discipline.
I was recently introduced to www.ITakeTheVow.com by my good friend Chelsea. As soon as I checked it out, I knew that I needed to share this with all my readers. I Take The Vow is from Deepak Chopra and his organization, the Alliance for a New Humanity and in the tradition of Martin Luther King Jr., I Take The Vow is a simple but profound concept. Besides taking the Vow the site has some great resources on personal and global transformation. Check it out :) If you so choose to take the vow, freedom for all humanity can not only be a possibility but a reality...

"I take the vow of non-violence in my thoughts, my speech and my actions"

A huge paradigm shift is taking place in the world...
are you on board?

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Beautiful Music

I can't stop telling everyone I know about my new favorite website and application...


This site has been around for a while but I just discovered it. Here's what Pandora does; it is a huge music database that creates radio stations for you when you input an artist or a title of a song. For example one of my favs right now is my Petula Clark station. It will first play a song by he
r then it will start to play music similar to that style. You can even give a particular song a thumbs up or thumbs down and from that info, Pandora will either avoid similar songs or look for ones that you like. I have many stations from Linkin Park to Claudine Longet! And once you have a few stations you can do a quick mix and it will shuffle the stations you choose. By the way did I tell you It's FREE! And you can download it as an application on your IPHONE!! I LOVE IT!!!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Beautiful Words...


How often do you actually think about the words that you are saying? Words are extremely powerful tools, but the problem is that most of the time we are walking around using our words unconsciously. My clients know that one of my favorite unconscious words we use is "should". How many times a day do you say out loud or even more importantly to yourself
"I should...."?
First of all, who says you "should"? We tend to say that word as if there is some invisible bad guy standing behind us saying "You know, you should ______" and usually that blank is filled in by some task that you think you don't want to do.
And here's the rub; many times those things that we have made shoulds are really things, that on some level we want. For example "I should exercise" when in fact in many ways we want to exercise because we know that if we move our body in some way, we feel better.
So actually we turn what we want into a should... I am here to gently tell you..."STOP THAT!" It is one of those unconscious buggers that will keep us further and further away from our peace, happiness and dreams. I will say that this isn't always the situation, but the majority of the time it is. Take care of yourself...
For the next couple weeks stay conscious to every time you say "I should ______" and then do your best to replace it with "I want ____" Then listen to your heart and only then take the action.
When we become conscious of the words we are saying to ourselves and out loud then we can even begin to shift our lives.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Dear God

Speaking of prayer...
When is the last time you prayed? Or have you ever prayed? In many traditions it is said that Prayer is the medium of miracles and I believe that to be true. What is meant by that is that the act of prayer brings us to out of the
new headerrealm of lower ego based energies to the higher realms of infinite possibilities where what your mind believed impossible is suddenly possible and who couldn't use a little miracle...or two...?
There are many of us who don't tend to pray for a couple of reasons; first that we don't have a specific prayer memorized, so we don't pray and secondly that we equate prayer with a specific religious practice of which we are not a member.
Well, I am here to tell you that Prayer can be done a million and one ways and doesn't necessarily have to have any religious component. Think of prayer as your inner dialogue with the Universe and it's endless and bountiful energy. The Universe is responding to your intention and your vibration and not necessarily your words.
So, for instance if when you are walking in the park and you feel close to nature and to yourself, share that with the Universe with a prayer of thanks. Or, if you are stuck in traffic, late for an important appointment and just plain pissed, be honest with the Universe by saying "I'm pissed (or something that conveys that vibration LOL!) and then pray for patience or pray to move all the traffic!
But, I have to say my personal favorite is to just pray all the time.... I often catch myself saying "Dear God...Dear God...Dear God..." I don't know why I do that, but I think it's because I know when I stay in touch with the Universal energies that are swirling above, below, inside, outside and around me, life is somehow easier and in that ease comes miracles...

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

It makes the World go around.....

How much $ would make you do a happy dance?
How much $ would make you begin to feel relaxed?
How much $ would you need to live your dreams?

I ask you this because even though money on it's own is neutral,
the fact is that in our world $ = freedom
and I want you to be free!

The subject of money takes up so much of our psychic, emotional and physical energy.
None of us are immune to the effect of it being in or out of our lives. Am I right? Open your mind to how you see money and ask yourself this:

If money was your lover and you were in an intimate relationship, what would that relationship look like?

Picture that...Feel that... Would you and Mr. Money have a loving, fun and productive relationship? Would you and Ms Money have an abusive, fearful and destructive relationship? Or is it the type of relationship where you are always getting "just enough" and craving for more? This concept may sound strange or funny but I believe it to be extremely powerful so please consider this question very seriously.

Think about it, if your are in a situation where you are always struggling, instead of flowing with money, how are you ever going to create more of it unless you are honest and start to shift your relationship?
I am here to tell you from personal experience that until you change your relationship with money, your situation will not change.
If you have not thought about it before, take the time to consider what type of relationship you have with money.
This could be the beginning of a beautiful relationship!

Friday, July 10, 2009

Paul Arden - Humor and Insight

When I was getting ready to make the leap from employee to solo entrepreneur and business owner just a year ago, my friend Linda gave me these two books and they gave me that extra little boost of confidence to finally take the leap. All of Paul Arden's books are absolutely amazing in their ability to go to the core of an issue with humor and insight. I really like these because he takes concepts that we all know and he turns them on their head which makes you stop and re-think what you are doing. They are especially perfect for entrepreneurs or people who are needing a new way to look at business. Who knows - they may give you
the inspiration you are needing to make a change in your life.

See you in the clouds!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Lovely Leo

There are so many people who have influenced my life and my work over the years. Leo Buscaglia is right at the top of that list.
I was quite young when I first saw him lecture on PBS and from then on I have been a huge fan. It is rare that we see people so committed to spreading LOVE. Sadly, he passed way, but his whole life and career was based on teaching people to LOVE. What higher calling is there than that? And to be able to spread his message with such passion and conviction makes his message even that more effective. He will do something very simple;
Make you feel good... If you have never heard of Leo Buscaglia, or even if you have, check out the video below and if you like it, watch the other 5 parts for the full lecture.

Leo Buscaglia -Speaking of Love pt 1 of 6

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Monday, July 6, 2009

Beautiful Farrah Hair

I am going to show my age here, but who cares...?! As a boy I grew up with Charlie's Angels (When Drew Barrymore was in ET and had no idea she would one day try and emulate those icons of style) photos all over my bedroom. I would collect every, and I mean every, picture of them that I could get my teenage hands on. I could go on and on..., but maybe another time.
In Honor of the great Farrah who's battle with cancer was courageous and heart breaking , I'm here to tell you that Charlie's Angels hair (or at least the flavor) is back!! Flat and overly straightened hair is done!! Wooo Hoooo! Even Farrah never succumbed to the flat trend!

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Look in any Allure, Vogue or Elle magazines and
you can see bigger, looser and overall much sexier hair.
These elements are so many things that I love about hair. They all subliminally say:
"I'm here, I'm sexy and I don't have to make my hair "perfect"! "
The idea is not to make it look too "done" or too big. If after you are done you have visions of Prom 1984 in the South...it's too big!
What ever the length of your hair you can create the Angel flavor too.Try this easy steps:
If your hair is really curly or frizzy just tame it with a little polisher product like Frizz Ease drops, or if you have straighter hair, use (you have not heard this word in a while....) mousse! (I love Mousse Forte by Sebastian) Blow with round brush for a medium bend /curl in hair all over. When completely dry, tease a little all over but not to the extreme using a paddle brush.
Then spray with Shaper Hair Spray by Sebastian (MY FAVORITE!) and shape with fingers till your inner Farrah starts to appear...
Long Live Mousse!

Read My Lips

I learned this from makeup artist Bobbi Brown and I definitely agree:

In general, when choosing lipsticks that make an impact, you want to try as best you can to go with the same colour family of your natural lip shade.
  • If you have lips that are pale and not a lot of pigment, you want to go towards corals so if you want darker lips go with cherry reds instead of a brick red.
  • If you have a lot of red in your lips then follow that lead and get colours that are in the pink or cranberry families.
  • If you have dark lips try brick reds or even darker colours with some shades of brown can work well.
For all lip shades, nude colours can work for a neutral lip, but be careful in the choice because nudes are not all the same. They are cooler based or warmer based. Which means that they will be more on the pink side or the tan/beige side. When you have the wrong one on you will see it right away!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Life Coaching

MeI'd like to remind you that I offer coaching services to help you in a variety of areas:

* Career
* Creating a healthy and productive relationship to Money
* Connect to your Passion
* Organizing your life
* Following your instinct
* Relax into your life by Listening to the Flow
* Appreciate what you have in order to create what you want

Call for a Complimentary laser coaching session


Tuesday, March 31, 2009

I'm Alive

On the day after the presidential inauguration Oprah was visiting Walter Reed Hospital. Just so you know,
Walter Reed is for rehabilitation for the men and women who have served in the wars the United States are engaged in at the present time.

The first man that Oprah spoke with was an amputee (as most were) and as he spoke he told Oprah that his "Alive day was (date), and..." then Oprah stopped him and asked what he meant by Alive day? He explained that wounded soldiers consider the day that they were injured, but made it out alive was their Alive Day.... It is their celebration of being ALIVE. These soldiers take the time to acknowledge their very existence on this planet.
An Alive day is like a second chance or re-birth day
very similar to how people with terminal illnesses conquer the illness and celebrate the exact date they were deemed disease free. Many people who go through these experiences appreciate being alive in a different way than those who haven't had extreme brushes with death.
Alive day was a great reminder to not taking life for granted. Because it is a question always worth asking, I'll ask you what I asked myself as I watched these amazingly brave and courageous men and women speak of their Alive day:

"How can I appreciate my life more profoundly and make more of my days be Alive Days?"
I would love to hear how you answer that question for yourself. I may even share some with all of you in an upcoming edition of Reflections
Please drop me a note at

Monday, March 2, 2009

How is that Working for You?

How is that working for you....?
I just finished the first round of my new Class on Trusting Your Vibes and it was a huge learning experience for me. I bring this up because a major part of any class or project that I am involved in is not just the project itself, but the assessment portion once that project is over.

I have learned over the years that sometimes, not always, the assessment is the most important part of the project. Assessment forces us to have to reflect and probe for the details of what specifically about the project went well, where were the challenges, and maybe most importantly what are the next steps to take in terms of the knowledge that was gained.
To put it simply, in my opinion Assessment requires:

Honesty ~ Specifics ~Next Steps

Now I'm not sure, but you may be saying..."Why the heck am I reading something about Assessment?" Well, I bring assessment up because we all need to assess or re-assess this project all of us are involved in called My Life. Now I do not agree with all he does, but as Dr. Phil McGraw says "How is that working for you....?" It is vitally important that we all take periodic looks at our lives and ask that question. "How is that working for you...?"

Periodic assessments of aspects of our lives help keep us feeling vital and alive. Assessment keeps us from living life unconsciously or by default. Assessment keeps us in line with being, doing and having whatever we dream of for our time on this planet.

Assessment can take many forms, from simply getting quite (sometimes easier said than done) and checking in with yourself in terms of how you are feeling, mentally, spiritually and emotionally. Or it can be as complex as using assessment tools which require more commitment as far as breaking down in writing the specifics and recording where you are in your life at the present moment in relation to what your end result may be.

Whatever form you choose for a specific purpose may not matter as much as just taking the time to periodically ask yourself:

"How is that working for me?"

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Charity Event

Book Your Appointment for 24 hour Hairathon!
new header
To commemorate the 1st anniversary of Max Ryan
Beauty.com I will have my 2nd annual 24 hour Hairathon.
100% of the proceeds will be going to your choice of any one of the chairties we all gave to in the past year.
Book your appointment for Saturday March 14th
9:00 AM to Sunday 9:00 AM

Random Acts of Flowers

The Princess Diana Memorial Fund

Natural Resources Defense Council
Habitat for Humanity
Heart Association - Go Red
for Women

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Learn to Live an Intuitive Life
As many of you know, A few weeks ago I began my first 6 week study group with Sonia Choquette's Trust Your Vibes book as the core curriculum.
We are in our 4th week and the class is going great!
I wanted to let you know that I will be doing one more round of the class starting during the 4th week of February.
I know there were many people who wanted to join the group but for some reason could not. Here is your chance! The class will be either Mon or Tues eves. So if you are interested please email me directly at max@maxryanbeauty.com
Look forward to hearing from you :)